*NEXT* Energy Clearing Workshop


Next workshop: Wednesday 8th May 2024 via Zoom at 19:30 GMT.

TOPIC: Clearing blocks and stresses in your Pineal Gland / Third eye to bring inner peace, a calm nervous system, energy and intuition.

Is your sleep disrupted?
Do you have trouble with clarity of thought?
Do you suffer from anxiety, negative thinking or depression?
Are you tired all the time?
Do you feel lost, stuck or adrift in your life?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it is likely that your pineal gland is blocked. This has a huge impact on your health and wellbeing.  The workshop will clear the way for your mind body and spirit to optimise your pineal gland and it's mechanisms that regulate your circadian rhythm, your stress and energy systems and your hormonal systems.I hope you will be able to join me or listen to the replay.  And if you know anyone else who may be interested please do pass on the info.

Book your place below and the zoom link will be sent to you before the workshop. The session will be recorded for replay if you are not able to make it live so don’t let the date/time deter you from booking.

The energy clearing will apply when joining live or listening to the recording. If you are attending live please join 10 minutes before so we can begin on time.

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My energy clearing workshops are run once a month and focus on a particular subject each time. Please contact me or see the website for details. Once you have booked you will be sent a Zoom link to join on the evening. The session usually lasts for approximately one hour.

Recordings of past workshops are also available from the website.